If you have any corrections or update, please send me e-mail.

Loadout info

Info about kits, camouflages etc. or how to build your Bronco right

OV-10A/D+ "Bronco"
VMO-1, MCAS New River, NC - Al Jubail AB, Saudi Arabia, tail code "ER", call sign "Yazoo"

BuNo.ModexNose artCommentPhotos
15548101 D+1992 > Photo 1 Photo 2 1993 > Photo 3
15549902 D+
Land warfare camo ER-02
grey-grey camo ER-02
Land warfare > Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3
grey-grey > Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3
155486?? D+, Land warfare camoPhoto 1
155483?? D+, Land warfare camoPhoto 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5
15548907 D+
Land warfare camo ER-05
Land warfare > Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3
Photo 4
15543410 A
Land warfare camo ER-10
grey-grey camo ER-10
Land warfare > Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3
grey-grey > Photo 1
15542415 A, Land warfare camo
shot down 25/2/91
pilot POW, observer killed
155447?? A, Land warfare camo ER-16Photo 1 Photo 2
155409?? D+, grey-grey camo 
155474?? D+, Land warfare camo 
155479?? D+, grey-grey camo ER-03Photo 1 Photo 2

OV-10A/D/D+ "Bronco"
VMO-2, MCAS Camp Pendleton, CA - Al Jubail AB, Saudi Arabia, tail code "UU", call sign "Hostage"

BuNo.ModexNose artCommentPhotos
15539503 D, desert camo, *
transferred from VMO-1/ER-03
Land warfare camo in Gulf Photo 1
Oversprayed in Gulf Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4
Photo 5
15546605 D, desert camo, *
transferred from VMO-1/ER-05
Land warfare camo in Gulf Photo 1 Photo 2 later with "27" -> Photo 3
15545407 A, desert camo"07" on nose
Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5
Photo 6 Photo 7 Photo 8 Photo 9 Photo 10
Photo 11 Photo 12
from 1992 with "26" on nose
Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3
AMARC 1993 with "26" on nose
Photo 4 Photo 5 Photo 6 Photo 7 Photo 8
Photo 9
15542810 A, desert camoPhoto 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5
Photo 6
15543512 A, desert camo
shot down 18/1/91, crew POW
Photo 1 Photo 2
15549420 D+, desert camoPhoto 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5
Photo 6 Photo 7 Photo 8
from 10/1991 -> Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3
Photo 4 Photo 5
from 1992 UU-02 -> Photo 1
from 1993 UU-01 -> Photo 2
15546821 D+, desert camoPhoto 1
Right: Pilot Dan "Pigpen" Ahearn
Left: Observer Chip "Tard" Gibson
Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5 Photo 6
Photo 7 Photo 8 Photo 9 Photo 10
15547322 D+, desert camo
black spinner on right engine for some time
Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5
Photo 6 Photo 7 Photo 8 Photo 9 Photo 10
* NOTE: The only Ds with old set of antennas (like version A).
For more information on antenna setup, camouflages etc., check the link at the top of the page.

One great video. OV-10D+ taking off from Al Jubail air base in Saudi Arabia - HERE from 06:52

The planes were craned up to USS America and USS Theodore Roosevelt in Norfolk, Virginia, USA.

HERE is OV-10A BuNo. 155424/ER-15 launching off of USS America.
HERE is OV-10A BuNo. 155434/ER-10 being loaded up on USS America.
HERE is OV-10A BuNo. 155434/ER-10 launching off of USS America.
HERE is OV-10D+ BuNo. 155483/ER-?? launching off of USS Theodore Roosevelt or USS America.
HERE and HERE is OV-10D+ BuNo. 155489/ER-05 launching off of USS Theodore Roosevelt

Caption to the first picture of 155489/ER-05: (info from Mr. Chuck Giger)
The shooter is in fact USS Theodore Roosevelt CO Capt. Steve Abbot. He was and is one of the finest naval officers and human beings I have ever known.
This was about 200nm west of Rota, Spain, and besides the plane guard helo was the only flight ops that day.
The squadron hopped across the Mediteranean to Al Jubail AB in Saudi Arabia.
The launch parameter was 27 knots down the angle or on the nose. The CO was first to launch. When he was given the signal to run engines up, he would not salute the launching officer (Capt Abbot).
He was throttled back, and I, as Air Boss, asked him if he had a problem. His response was, "I don't have 27 knots of airspeed."
I replied, "How many times at the take-off end of the runway at New River with a strong headwind have you seen airspeed before you released the brakes?"
His reply was, "Oh." I said, "Your just going to have to trust us on this one, Colonel." He then launched with 2-300' of deck in front of him at lift-off. The Majors and Captains followed smartly without delay.

Broncos were loaded up on USS Juneau (LPD-10) on the way back to USA. I was able to identify all the planes from the pictures below:
VMO-2 - A 155454/UU-07, A 155428/UU-10, D+ 155494/UU-20, D+ 155468/UU-21 and D+ 155473/UU-22
Hidden behind the ship´s infrastructure and the nose of D+ 155466/UU-05 is D 155395/UU-03.

Here are 5 pictures from DoD site and edited with BuNos/MODEXes.
Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture 5

Here are 4 pictures from Togetherweserved.com site of LCpl. John Colvin - link to that site HERE
I was not able to contact him, so I downloaded his pictures, added his name for Copyright and edited the pictures with BuNos/MODEXes. (P.S. I was able to contact him via Facebook and got a permission to put them on my site. BIG thanks !)
Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4

HERE is the plan view of the ship´s deck with all identified Broncos based on pictures found above.

OV-10 Bronco Gulf war patch